【同义词辨析】 2017-06-08 安排order-methodize

order: suggests a straightening out so as to eliminate confusion: ~ed her business affairs before going on extended leave.

arrange: implies a setting in a fit, suitable, or right sequence, relationship, or adjustment: a bouquet of elaborately ~d flowers.  (adjustment调整校准, to make small changes,如I've made a few adjustments to the design我对设计做了几处调整)

marshal: suggests a gathering or arranging in preparation for a particular operation, or for effective management or use: an argument won by carefully ~ed facts.

organize: implies an arranging so that the whole aggregate works as a unit in which each element has a proper place and function: ~d the volunteers into teams.

systemize: implies an arranging according to a definite and predetermined scheme: billing procedures that have yet to be ~d. (scheme方案: 表示做事计划,强调完备有目标, 如schemes to help combat unemployment减少失业的方案)

methodize: suggests the imposing of an orderly procedure rather than a fixed scheme: ~s every aspect of her daily living.

order整理: 使有条理不混乱(straighten out"弄直捋顺"),arrange安排布置: 设置调整使顺序关系合适恰当,marshal也是整理: 收集安排布置为使用、行动、管理做准备,organize组织: 使每个成员都有合适的位置功能成为单一整体(unit), systemize系统化: 表示根据明确预定的方案去安排(即完备有目标),methodize方法化: 强调流程(即有逻辑有顺序)而非方案(流程强调顺序逻辑order,logic,方案强调系统和目标system,end,他们的区别也是methodize和systemize的区别)

记忆方法: 1)首字母重新排序成 AS MOON像月亮一样<==安排井井有条

         2)安排的意思是将人或物放入合适位置mean to put persons or things into their proper places in relation to each other.